Our Story

The Happy Spitters™ Club

Once upon a time, we welcomed our second child into the world. Our firstborn was a master of the spit-up arts; we had never seen such a remarkable and awesome display of baby vomit. But we made it through! We had become masters of spit-up defense—or so we thought. With confidence, we approached the arrival of our second child, blissfully unaware that our firstborn was only the beginning. We had been deceived—lulled into a false sense of security. Surely, no baby would be able to overtake our newfound spit-up defenses. Oh, how wrong we were. So, so wrong.

With the arrival of our second baby, we were swiftly submerged in a flood of spit-up chaos. Every inch of our world—from our clothes to our home, even the dog—was engulfed in an unending torrent of stinky, sticky, milky baby vomit. Our defenses and skills became a mockery to the horrendous and unfathomable power of our second-born's arsenal of spit-up. When we reached out to others for help, the reply was often an unempathetic, "Join the club!" or "Babies spit up."

Driven to the brink of madness by our quick defeat, we embarked on a desperate quest for relief. No price was too high to stem the relentless tide of spit-up. For months, we scoured the market, spending small fortunes, only to be met with disappointment. Our baby laughed in the face of our efforts to stay dry and clean. Every cloth was breached within the first use. Finally, we decided to take matters into our own hands. We crafted a few burp cloths by hand, and lo and behold, they worked better than anything we had tried! At last, a breath of relief!

We had created a burp cloth that was soft, generously sized, machine washable, quick-absorbing, leak-proof, and capable of handling all the spit-up our little one(s) could muster in a day. Imagine it: one burp cloth for the entire day. It was a game-changer in the world of reflux babies. Victory had finally come.

Word of our creation spread among fellow parents. They would ask about it, their faces falling when they learned we had to make it ourselves. Seeing the familiar look of despair in the eyes of friends, colleagues, and family, we thought, "Maybe we can help!" So, we set out to create the only burp cloth a parent will ever need.

We remembered the phrase "Join the club." It was such a defeating phrase, if only there really was a club or something that focuses on spitty babies. Thus the Happy Spitters™ Club was born! With it came the creation of the Happy Spitters™ Club Original Burp Cloth. Finally, the burp cloth we had longed for was available to parents everywhere! No longer is the phrase "Join the club" a helpless expression of mutual defeat.

In the journey of parenthood, spit happens. Sometimes a little, sometimes a lot. No matter the volume, we invite you to "join the club!" Together, we can provide caregivers with the very best of burp cloths! In the Happy Spitters™ Club, we understand the mess, the love, and the joy of parenting, and we’re here to make the journey a little less messy and a lot more comfortable. Together, we’re rewriting the story of baby care, one burp cloth at a time.

So, join the club! We have burp cloths! 

The Happy Spitters™ Club